In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, allcove San Mateo and the Borel PTA are hosting a special event for Borel students and families at the brand new allcove San Mateo center! Come visit allcove, see the awesome new youth-designed space and learn about the free health, education and peer support resources available to all students 12-25 years old.
Monday, May 13th, 4-6pm at allcove
Address: 2600 S El Camino Real, Suite 300 San Mateo, CA 94403
Join us for a scavenger hunt with prizes, snacks and drinks, an Origami workshop, and tours of the center. Every student who participates in the scavenger hunt will be entered into a drawing to win one of four $25 gift cards!
Borel students can earn community service credit by attending and sharing with a friend or family member something they learned about this new community resource! RSVP here and see attached flyer English and Spanish